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A new place

Last month, just moments before we were getting ready to say goodbye to our Florida life I was musing to Pete about how fast it all seemed to be happening. Buying the new house, packing the old house, the end of school, the going-away party…it just seemed to be whirling by at the speed of light.

Pete gave me the I-can’t-believe-you-just-said-that-and-I-think-you-might-be-utterly-insane-and-I-can’t-quite-believe-I’m-married-to-a-loon-like-you.

I know. That’s quite a look isn’t it? You should see it in action.

“Anissa. It’s been eighteen months.”

Well…it DID seem fast there at the end! Eighteen months or not, it was a strange mix of time flying by me and moments that couldn’t pass fast enough.

Part of that? Is my inability to cope with change.

I know, I know. I’ve really done noting BUT deal with uproarious change for the past few years and that goes a long way to how well I handled the whole job/move/lifechange.

It took me eighteen months to get a grasp on moving and actually embrace it.


Well, I have another pretty significant change coming up.

Again, it’s been in the works for a long time, but the actual execution both thrills me and freaks me O.U.T.

I’ll be retiring this site soon.

There. I said it. I’ve alluded to it, I’ve hinted at it and I’ve known in my heart that it’s the right time to do this….but that’s the first time I’ve come right out and said it.

I’m going to stop writing at this site.

This site that has given me a place to dump my fears, my laughter, my happiness and my anger.  This site has been a place where I both gave and recieved tremendous support.  This site became a part of my family…it became a huge part of my identity.

When I started writing in this space, I had no idea where it would take me.  I was a frightened mother trying to make sense of concepts that were mystifying…cancer, chemo, my child’s mortality, my role in it, would we survive it, would she?

It was never supposed to bring in an “audience”, nor was it supposed to spark a creative need that had lain quietly inside me.  It wasn’t supposed to become my voice anymore than I was supposed to become a writer.

It all just happened.

Now I’m planning to move to another internet space.

A place that won’t be a daily reminder of the cancer that has BEEN our lives for so long.

A place that I’m hoping will let me start healing from the fears I live with every day.

A place that my two children not named Peyton won’t feel slighted.

A place that won’t make me feel like I’m holding onto it because I’m going to need it again.

A place that will allow me to talk more freely because there are things I’ve felt awkward talking about or sharing because this site is so much intertwined with the lives of other cancer kids.

I won’t shut this site down, it’ll still be live and available for any family that comes along searching for a flare of hope. I can’t say that I won’t ever write here again after I move to the other site.

But it’s time.

I’ll share the new site information soon.

In the meantime, I’m gritting my teeth and getting ready for another big change.

I hate change.

Could you speak up please?



Are you talking to me?

Are YOU talking TO.ME?

And I don’t mean that in a Robert De Niro sort of way, I mean that in a oh-my-holy-freaking-heck-I-am-partially-deaf-NOW sort of way.

Why would I be partially deaf you might ask?

I totally wouldn’t answer you because I.CAN’T.HEAR.YOU.

My friend Natalie drove up from Tampa and we pinky blood oath swore to take our girls to the American Girl store *kicks self in ass for not thinking of this idea first and raking in the unbelievable amount of $$$* for an afternoon of gleeful girly goodness.

The cause of the deaf?

There is a level of squealing that doesn’t just burst the ear drum, it actually makes the ear drum disintegrate into microscopic bits that travel up the ear canal, enter your brain and eat it from the inside out.

There are few events that can cause that sound to occur….boy band appearances and American Girl stores.

Should you be the unlucky witness to a boy band appearance AT an American Girl store? Run for your everloving life.

But for all the brain-eating squeeeing and rushing madly back and forth between clothes and accessories and books and movies and furniture and scooters and OHMYGOSHdidyouseethebackpackIjusthavetohavethatNOWNOWNOW! it was so much fun to watch Rachael just losing her mind in a shopping frenzy of indecision.

Did I mention that Rachael’s Kit doll totally got her hair done? In a chair? By a doll stylist? Costing $10? For a DOLL’S.HAIR. Seriously, by a chick who gets paid to live the dream of playing with dolls for a living.


That doll is so much better groomed than I am. Not FAIR.


No matter.

Because, in return, I got this:


Totally worth it.

My weekend in photos





Fiftybazillion kids.

We hosted.

We cooked a lot.

We ate a lot.

Bang! Boom! Pow!

Ohhh. Ahhh.

I are teh tired.

So, here are the highlights of my weekend. In order of age.















We had a pretty good-looking weekend, wouldn’t you say?

Friends….when is enough ENOUGH?

Before I get into this too much, let it be known that I am an incredibly social person….in REAL LIFE TOO.

I’m not one of those online entities that rolls up into a little ball upon face-to-face interaction…I actually like people.  I have friends!

In fact, this is the year that my very best friend and I will offically have been friends longer than we haven’t….did that make sense? We’ve known each other longer than we haven’t in our total lifespan.

I have friends from three high schools I attended…middle school even!…friends from my single-wild-and-crazy days…most of my ex-roommates…even a few ex-boyfriends…I have mommy-friends AND daddy-friends…friends from the cancer world…I’m almost a better friend to Peter’s friends than HE is…blogger friends…I have LOTS of freaking friends! <—dude. ego much?

But the whole point of expressing how well-adjusted *snort* I am is to say this:

I have this strange non-urgency about making any more friends here in teh GEORGIA.

Ten years ago Peter and I and a wee bebe Nathaniel picked up our meager possessions and moved cross country from Florida to Colorado.  It was traumatic.  We had one car (that Pete took off to work every day), a tiny apartment (that he seemingly never came home to because he was off enjoying his new job where they had grown-up conversations and played foozeball tournaments on Fridays) and a new baby (who was staggeringly cute, but not so much a great conversationalist at that point).

There may or may not have been some curling-up-on-the-closet-floor type weeping bouts…followed by those wonderful, loving conversations that involve the words “I” “hate” and “you” and the gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes.

I was desperate.

Desperate for people to talk to, women to connect with, someone to be a friend to me.

And I met a group of the ugliest, mean-spirited, back-stabbing gaggle of  wretches to climb out of the rotting crypt of girlfriendhood and waved my arms and screamed “OOOH MEEE!!! Pick MEEEE!!!”

It took a few months before I backed off and gave them the stink eye, letting them know in no uncertain terms that I thought they were totally and utterly C.R.A.Z.Y.  Which I might have said in THOSE exact words, directly to their faces.

Did I mention these were all the wives of the guys Pete worked with?

Yeah. Good times. Corporate Wife FAIL.

They made me appreciate the art of not having to have someone in your back pocket all the time.

I’ve made tons of acquaintances over the years, people who I enjoyed for the time we were together…but I’ve made some tremendous friends that I’ll hold onto forever….friends that are like the Louises to my Thelma, Ethels to my Lucy, the Daytime Emmy Awards to my Susan Lucci and my own personal brand of Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Sisters of my heart.

And thanks to the wonderful world of the interwebs, I have them….all day, every day, five thousand times a day in forty-nine flavors! Calls, texts, emails, IM’s, Skype, Google Groups, twitter, facebook, carrier-freaking-pigeons…I am NEVER alone.

I like it.

I’m good with the fact that I don’t have to see my people all the time for them to still be my best people.

So, it’s been three weeks here and I haven’t even tried to make more than mildly pleasant small talk with anyone I’ve met.  I barely make eye contact with the kid who hands me my Starbucks…I just can’t…it would feel too much like I’m cheating on Jim back at the Brandon Starbucks…I MISS YOU, JIM!

And I wonder if when I start meeting people I’ll even be interested in taking the time to get to know anyone.  Will it feel worth it to start weeding through to those particular people I’ll actually connect with?  I don’t even feel like I have the time, energy or motivation to go through another Colorado fiasco. Am I officially just too damn lazy to make friends? Or is there a point where your dance card is full and it’s OK to feel complete in the ones you have?


Oh, and on a totally different note, I’m also over at Deep South Moms today, irconically enough, writing about my newbie expectations of BlogHer09 and how I’ll be meeting lots of new people.

My little SuperGirl!

I  was going to write this whole post and leave a little added blurb about Peyton’s clinic visit today.

But it deserved space all it’s own.

Counts were INCREDIBLE!!

Still cancer free.

Possibly the best three words ever.

I so want to get this made into a shirt for her to wear. EVERY. DAY.


Yeah. My kid is that awesome!!