Ok, I said I wouldn’t do it, but I’m really bad at anything involving self-control.
Especially when it’s something good!
So, here’s my big news!! DA-Da-DA!!
I’m pregnant!!!!
Kidding. Total lie. NOT pregnant. Not even close to pregnant. As far from pregnant as you can humanly be without being a man. NO babies.
The bank finally agreed on our house offer. We don’t have a contract yet, but they’re going to put one together and if all goes well….the planets align…ducks stay in a row…the proper amount of virgins are sacrificed…we’ll be getting a house.
Now, last time I did this, I got all WHEEEE! And I got you all whipped up into a great big frenzy of WHEEEE right along with me.
And then.
The house fell through.
I ate enough Girl Scout baked goods to send at least four of those little cookie-pushers to camp.
And I swore that the next house would be a 100% secret until the day we moved in.
REALLY? Have you met me? PFFFFt.
So, we have an accepted offer…because it’s a foreclosure house we have to get EVERYTHING done in 10 days: inspection, financing, appraisal…everything.
Holy crap. I’m a little light-headed just thinking about it.
But here is what I said I wouldn’t do…pictures of teh house! Soon-to-be MY house.
*these are just a few of my favorites, so YES there are some cute little bedrooms for the girls…two of them in fact…but they’re pretty boring right now, so just imagine square rooms with closets and windows…and there ya go…and as you can tell, I REALLY love mah new trees*
I know, is pretty, right?
Cross your fingers.
**ps…I was told that calling Girl Scouts “brats” was offensive…so I have gently reworded. I’m very sorry if I offended anyone that is the parent of a Girl Scout and for any future Girl Scout troop leaders that might come into contact with my daughters. They cannot be held accountable for their mother’s stupidity. Please forgive.”