I am so excited to get this move under way…if by excited you mean I nearly break down into tears at the very thought of having to start stuffing boxes full of our belongings.
I have been so productive lately…if by productive you mean I spent the better part of two hours on Google so that I could finally figure out how to download the ringtones I had on my first Blackberry to my second Blackberry and can now have all my friends call me to tunes I liked five months ago, but am really tired of now.
I am a wonderful mother…if by wonderful mother you mean I totally forgot to prank my other two kids on April Fool’s Day, which sort of left one feeling like I was just picking on her to be a real wretch.
Wow, I’m totally getting into spring cleaning time…if by cleaning you mean staring at the dirt and thinking “WHY? I’m just moving in a couple months, I’ll have someone do it when it’s empty”.
I’m looking forward to swimsuit season getting underway here in Florida…if by looking forward you mean making sure my flask is clean so I am fully armed to drink heavily throughout the entire trying-on portion of our visit to Feel-Like-A-Sausage-Land.
Next week is our spring break…YAY!…if by YAY you mean not having to get up early and wrestle the kids into the van, no homework and a long extended trip to see family and friends…oh wait…that actually IS a YAY!!!!
I knew if I did this long enough, something would work out.