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Whining as an art form

Exhaustion is a brutal mistress.

I hate her.

She is taking over my life and leaving behind a shriveled shell of the Anissa that once was.

You know what else sort of sucks right about now??

Papercuts from cardboard. Did you even know you could get those? Well, you can. They hurt and inspire new and inventive curses.

The costs of moving…they are LARGE…and never-ending…and a monumental pain the butt. If we have one more unexpected expense pop up I may have to seriously consider how many kidneys my family really needs to exist.

Convincing yourself that you won’t need a thing, only to find out two days later that the thing is absolutely mission critical…and YOU threw IT away!

Realizing that at over a period of time you’ve spent upwards of $600 in books about cancer, only to know that NOT ONE of them actually helped out at all.

Stressing out about a going away party for which you throw out enough invitations to choke a small pony, only to feel relieved when half the invitees can’t make it and then realize that your leaving is, in fact, NOT A BIG DEAL.

But the good thing?

The moving countdown is down to twelve days…the torture is almost over.

And?!! AND!!!

Because our T-mobile service is non-existant in our neighborhood in GA and the only way I could make a phone call on my cell is to drive four miles away from our house, we had to change service providers. No big deal, Tmobile waved the $469059208239 fee they normally charge to get out of the contract and I flew on the wings of angels to the land of IPhones and apps!  Only to decide that I do not like the IPhone as much as I thought I did and instead got a shiny new Blackberry that is so full of awesome that Jehovah’s Witnesses unicorns keep showing up at the door to ask if they can make a call!

If an IPhone and a Blackberry made sweet sweet love and produced a child….THIS PHONE would be the fruit of their illicit union.



And YES I may be inordinately excited about a cell phone, but for REAL, this thing loves me just as much as I love it!

My needs are simple.

Let me take my moments of happy where I find them.

OH! And the kids are out of school for the summer so the early morning shuffle is officially at an end.  Huzzzzah!

Parenting FAIL: The Conversation Edition

Peyton – Why is my poo green? Yesterday it was yellow. I have RAINBOW butt!

Nathaniel – Ohhh! You said the word you said I couldn’t say even if I was on fire.

Rachael – What do you call that? *poke poke*
Me – Muffin top
Rachael – You might need to lay off the muffins, mom

Me – I wish you listened better
Peyton – I wish you said better stuff

Nathaniel – MY new room will be a girl-free zone!
Me – I’m a girl, am I going to be banished from your room?
Nathaniel – No way, you do my laundry, you can come up any time.
Me – *sigh*

Peyton – I didn’t know your boobs have eyes!

Me in McDonalds – If you make that clicking noise one more time I’m going to have them cut out your tongue, deep fry it and serve it on a bun with special sauce and THEN? You have to eat it!
McDonald’s Employee – *extremely dirty look*

Me – Soooo, what did you think of getting to spend the whole weekend with your cousins? (Teenage cousins that my kids are just getting to know)
Rachael – They like boys!
Me – That’s it? THAT is what you learned about your cousins?
Rachael – Well, they…they…yeah, they like boys.

Nathaniel – Chowder (a cartoon character) has MAN-Boobs!

Peyton – Were we born in order of age?

Nathaniel – Can I have a Facebook account?
Me – Nope
Nathaniel – Why not?
Me – Because I want you to have a chance at being a useful member of society?
Nathaniel – But YOU have one
Me – I’ll let you figure that one out on your own

I have a RANT: Daniel Hauser

There are a lot of topics that I just don’t touch on here.

But HEY, if I’m going to do it….let’s do them ALL!

I voted Obama

I’m a Christian, I believe in God and we have a good relationship

Coke will always be better than Pepsi

The chicken came first

I was a breast-feeding, co-sleeping mom, I still am….co-sleeping, not breastfeeding, that’s just creepy at five

Lee Harvey Oswald couldn’t have acted alone

Sex is a wonderful thing, I’m highly in favor of it for all consenting adults that are not named Nathaniel, Rachael or Peyton Mayhew. E.V.E.R.

I think they should legalize, regulate and tax pot

Han Solo totally shot first



Now that we got all that out of the way, let me REALLY ruffle some feathers.

I was sort of planning to just stew silently about this one and then someone poked me about it to see if I had an opinion….and you KNOW I did.

You may or may not be familiar with the situation with Daniel Hauser and his parents Colleen and Anthony Hauser.

Daniel is a 13 yo boy from Minnesota who was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in January.  After one round of chemo, his parents decided the treatments were too poisonous and declined to receive anymore chemotherapy. They, instead, exercised their right to practice religious freedom and follow the teachings of a group called the Nemenhah Band and seek alternative treatments.

The case was brought into the courts, a judge ordered that an X-ray be done on Daniel to see if there was tumor growth and when the parents found out that the tumor in Daniel’s chest, which had shrunk from the initial round of chemo, had grown back to the pre-chemo size, the mother took the boy and ran.

The oncologist testified that Hodgkins Lymphoma can be treated with a 80-95% success rate (not CURE rate, mind you), and the judge ordered that Daniel be taken into custody of the court.

Now the hunt is on for Daniel and his mother…if they are caught Daniel will be treated by an oncologist with a chemotherapy regimen he doesn’t want, but his own lawyer says he does not read, has a learning disability, and neither the disease or treatment has been explained to him well enough for him to make a decision.

Ok, then.

I guess the first thing I want to say is to the mother: WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you, woman?

The Native American “religion” they are claiming to be a part of isn’t even affiliated with any Native American tribe and is, in fact, pretty much a money making scheme….where, for a mere $250 initial payment and $100 annual, PLUS monthly “donations” you can be spiritually adopted and given a certificate that pronounces you a natural healer.

A certificate.

Like I can make on Photoshop and print in my office.

Seriously? I can hit Google for FREE and have 1000% more medical knowledge than these people have.

Colleen Hauser testified that she had been treating his cancer with herbal supplements, vitamins, ionized water and other natural alternatives…which were OBVIOUSLY not working since his X-ray showed significant growth of his tumor.

Water.  Treating cancer with water.  Oh, how I wish they would prove that worked. *sigh*

The second thing I want to say to this woman is: WHAT THE HELL is wrong with you, woman?

For REAL. I GET it that chemotherapy is absolute crap.  Trust me, you did one round, we did it for over two and half years straight with a fun stint in radiation land as a bonus.  Yeah, it sucks. BAD. I hated every day of it.

You know what? I was also on my knees thanking GOD for providing us a treatment because, twenty years ago? 80% of the kids who had Peyton’s kind of cancer DIED…it was pretty much a death sentence.

No, it’s not a perfect world, the treatment isn’t perfect by any means. The treatments don’t know what they’re killing, good cells or bad, and it does leave the kids weakened to the point where they are so very vulnerable that every tiny germ is a threat.

It SUCKS!  I said that already.

You know what?

It’s the best thing we have and the best chance they have to live.

So, in my book, if you chose not to treat your child with the best possible option (and if alternative medicines were able to prove they WERE the best possible option, go with it! but they haven’t yet, TRUST me, we checked out a bunch of options) you are gambling with your child’s life…and all the cards are stacked against them.  Do you not want to at least give him a fighting chance?

The last thing I really have to say about this woman is that she offends me.  I know there are going to be a lot of people who disagree with me, and I’m ok with that. There will be those that believe that parents have the right to decide what kind of medical treatment their child recieves and no court has the right to tell you otherwise.

Here’s the thing with that arguement.

If someone came into YOUR home and shot at YOUR child, you’d sure as hell want the courts to protect your child then. Why? Well, because no one has the right to threaten your child’s life. How dare someone come in and try to kill your child?

How is denying your child the only treatment known to successfully put his cancer into long term remission anything less than threatening his life?

How is the court NOT responsible for defending him against that threat as well?

No more than I would say that it is your right as a parent to drown your child would I say its your right to deny them life-saving treatment.

If they were physically abusing him, no one would argue that the courts should remove him from the home….yet people feel it’s wrong for the courts to say that they can’t let him die without trying a known treatment.

I know too many parents who’d be eternally grateful for one more shot at a treatment with even a 1% chance at success for a child gone forever.  I know parents who would have grabbed greedily at an 80% success rate…it’s an improvement over “there’s nothing we can do”.  I have seen how far parents will go to fight for their child’s life and still not win.  I have seen the  ones that have taken their child to the very brink and lived to tell the tale.

Yes.  This woman’s disregard for her child’s life offends me.  When we have battled so hard for ours.

I don’t get it.

And, yes, there is a point when you say “no more”.  We’ve had that conversation.  At what point do you say “enough”?

I know my line in the sand.

I know the limits I would go to.

It sure as heck wouldn’t be while my child still had a good, fighting chance at life.


This is Dana…one of our most beloved friends….21 years old…5 year survivor of Hodgkins Lymphoma…BIG tumor…six rounds of chemotherapy….radiation.

Quality of life? I don’t think she’d argue that she HAS it.

I know for sure she’s improved ours.



So, I’ve ranted, I’ve opinionated, I’ve wiped off my little soapbox and put it away.

What do YOU think the courts should do for Daniel?  Do you think his mother should go to jail for contempt of court for not showing up to the hearing?  What would you do if the courts ordered you to give your child a treatment you disagreed with?

Please, discuss!

Talking with Katie Couric about the “Children of the Recession”

Katie Couric wants to talk about how the recession is affecting the children of this country and it’s staggering to see the effects as they’re happening…frightening to think of what the long-term effects will be.  CBS Evening News will be running an ongoing series on just this topic.

I had the opportunity to join in on a conference call with Katie Couric this week with other bloggers from the Silicon Valley Moms Group, where I write for the Deep South Moms Blog.

After the intital HOLY CRAP, I’m on the phone with Katie!! finally flushed through my system, the impact of what she was saying truly struck home.

How IS the current state of the economy affecting kids?

The rising cost of insurance premiums and decreased coverages in health insurance plans put strain on a family already under the burden of medical crisis with a preschooler in chemotherapy treatment.

A man has to leave his wife and three children behind to take a position in another state for more job security in a market where jobs are being cut in droves.

Unable to sell their home in the depressed real estate market, a family worries where they will live when they are forced to relocate…or if foreclosure is their only option.

That’s just one family.

That’s MY family.

It doesn’t sound so bad when I blog about it and make with the pretty words, but the fact remains that for the past two years, the failing economy has been a driving force behind a lot of our choices.

We’re lucky. Even with all we’ve been through, my kids don’t worry about their next meal, I haven’t had to decide between whether to have an ear infection checked out OR paying the electricity bill, and I AM packing my house into convenient sized boxes…but because we are CHOOSING to move, not because we’ve been served an eviction notice by our mortgage company for a payment we can’t make because of jobs we don’t have anymore.


Katie and her CBS News Team are bringing facts…and scary ones…to light in a series on the CBS Evening Show called “Children of the Recession”.  She wrote a powerful post on the NYC Moms Blog and spoke of the children of this generation, “the ones who bear no responsibility for the crisis, our children, are often shouldering the bulk of the consequences”.

Katie (<–oh HI, I can call you Katie, right?) and her production team shared some information and insights that have been discovered through their research.

  • Reports of abuse and child neglect are steadily rising across the country
  • 20% of all families are forgoing some sort of medical care…preventative care is being neglected because of costs, leading to illnesses running untreated, missed work for parents, and ER’s that are unable to handle the load of non-emergency care and advanced diseases due to late treatment
  • The psychological ramifications of what kids are experiencing during these times are beyond their skills to handle, they are ill equipped to deal with the anxiety, stress and strain in their households, and how we can help them cope
  • Katie will be speaking with two homeless little boys, ages 8 and 10
  • Teachers, our most underpaid and under-appreciated work force are filling in the gaps….schools nationwide are reporting that teachers are reaching into their own pockets to provide supplies, basic necessities, sometimes even lunches
  • Katie is interested in hearing about grassroots and community efforts being made to help families in times of economic crisis…if you have a story to tell or a resource to share, please email me (because DUDE! I have an email that goes to Katie Couric’s desk, for REAL! I seriously hope no one at CBS actually reads how large my geek is), they want to hear about how the average person is trying to have an impact on this crisis

You know what? During that phone call I sat there and felt bad.


Here’s a conference call of women talking about the economy and the kids hit hardest by it and for the most part, I’m betting every one of those women, myself included, can’t even fathom what it’s like to be in the position of those truly hit the hardest.

Because you know what? Bloggers generally don’t come from the lowest end of the income bracket.

When you’re driving away from the home you’ve just lost, I’m sure the last thing you’re worried about is making sure you posted at least three times this week.

The homeless don’t Twitter.

Humiliated people applying for government aid for the first time aren’t complaining they don’t have an IPhone.

A woman trying desperately to feed her kids isn’t updating her Facebook status.

The dad scrambling numbers to see if he can afford to take his sick child to the doctor isn’t thinking about whether his social networking footprint is “branding” him sufficiently.

I don’t experience this life.

For that, I am beyond grateful.

However, are we just one lost job away from it?  Could be.

Are we ever safe from it? NEVER

Are you? NOPE.

Are we responsible to be aware and take action? Yeah, I think we really are.

Reminders are everywhere

“I HATE this game!!”

I *would* say that such vehement declarations are a rarity in my house, but I think that we all know that the child of the person who once told a stranger at Target that if she didn’t stop staring at my bald kid, I’d rip out her eyes and choke her with them MIGHT have learned a few things along the way.

“I am going to PUNCH you, computer!”

Finally, I got curious enough to see what the computer was doing that was ticking Peyton off so badly…also because I was a little worried the next thing that was going to come out of her mouth would be choice words that I like to pretend my  kids have never heard me say.

“YO! What’s the problem, shorty?”

“I HATE this GAME!!!”

“Yeah, I got that.  Why do you hate the game?”

“You see my girl?”


“You see I gave her hair?”


“When I go to a new screen she’s BALD!  BALD!!  I hate it that my girl is bald!”

“But she has hair NOW.”

“She keeps coming up bald before her hair comes back.  I don’t want my girl to be bald anymore!!  She looks prettier with hair.”

“Oh, baby…”

“I hate my girl now.  This game sucks, mama.”

Yeah. It does.

My girl was damn cute bald.


But she GETS to hate the game that reminds her what it was like to lose her hair.


And she gets to break my heart all over again.

Someday she’ll forget.

I hope.