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For a GREAT laugh!

A very special mom I’ve met through the wonderful world of Caring Bridge is a mom named Alayna. Her son Joey’s website has brought me untold laughs and giggles and snort-coffee-out-of-your-nose moments.

I HAVE to share her with the rest of the world, because if you haven’t read some of her posts, you HAVE NOT LIVED!

Here’s the link to the site!

I have 3 specific dates you have to check out:

May 18

November 25

October 9

Truly, if you take the time to hunt up these 3 specific posts, you will not regret it and will spend the rest of your day chuckling whenever you think of them.

Thank you, Alayna, for sharing your unique and fabulous take on parenting!


2 Comments on “For a GREAT laugh!”

  1. #1 misty
    on May 19th, 2008 at 1:51 pm

    lol she is a hoot..but I must admit, your posts keep me in stitches as well!!! And.. I live in Midland tx, which is not far from Denver city.,.actuall7y have family in denver city! 🙂

  2. #2 Alayna
    on May 19th, 2008 at 9:18 pm

    You are too sweet to post a link to my site – thanks! I hadn't had a chance to read your cheetah girl entry yet, and I all I can say is wow! Y'all are awesome! Are you sure the "chemo fumes" haven't worn off on y'all? I laughed just imagining everything you described. You've got bigger cajones than me going out in an outfit like that! You looked great though – people would have turned & ran if they saw me in that! Glad you had fun & survived!
