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Girly bits

Everyone last night at the Children’s Cancer Center got to experience firsthand how well my kid can scream. Not Rachael this time, Peyton.

Ahhh, I cringe to even tell what happened to the poor girl.

It started at school. I got a call from her teacher that Peyton was complaining that it hurt when she went potty. This is not out of the ordinary, in fact she does this a lot. Her urine is apparently very acidic from all the meds and it has a tendency to irritate the surrounding skin so that it burns when she has to go. Sad to say, but burning when she pees is not a big issue for Peyton. I explained that to the teacher, and I told them that if she continued to have problems to call me and I would come get her immediately so I could see how bad it was.

No calls, she was happy when I picked her up from school. All is well.

We had family support group tonight at the Center and we were well into dinner when Peyton’s first catastrophe of the night happened. She peed all over herself, the floor, her favorite dress up costume…just a mess. But not a huge ordeal, easily remedied.

However, that’s when she started to complain again that her girly bits all hurt. She can be a bit melodramatic when she has an audience and it wasn’t until she started to complain loudly that I decided to act on it. I took her to the bathroom and checked it all out.

That’s when the screaming began. My baby girl’s skin was so irritated around her girly bits that when I checked to see, the skin actually cracked and she started bleeding all over. It was sort of like she had a mini episiotomy right there. Oh I felt so bad for her, she was just shrieking in pain. I had to wrestle her down to the table, wrench her little legs apart so that I could put medicine on it and she’s screaming the whole time and I’m so glad that Kay was there to help me because I can’t imagine what others thought was going on in that bathroom. Especially when Rachael came out and announced that “Peyton’s crying because her butt is bleeding”. She’s like tabloid news, so close yet so far away.

She did finally get settled down, the medicated cream relieved the pain enough that she was able to go back out and enjoy the rest of the night. This morning she was much improved but still sore so I kept her home from school to give her a little more healing time. I think that the newness of being at school and going potty by herself isn’t helping the situation because she’s not wiping as well as she should.

So, let’s just chalk this whole blog up to the “Oh I can’t believe you actually shared all that with the world, mom” section.

Pray for girly bits to heal!

f.r.o.G…fully relying on God

4 Comments on “Girly bits”

  1. #1 Ami Czorapinski
    on Jan 18th, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    Poor Peyton! We are there with Joshua a lot. Not with the girly bits but you get the picture. A & D Ointment works wonders. Here's hoping that Peyton's bits heal quickly! Oh, and she will never forgive you for this post.

  2. #2 karalyn
    on Jan 18th, 2008 at 11:01 pm

    OUCH. That's really all I can say. I hope Peyton heals up soon and feels better. Give her a hug from me. Love, Karalyn

  3. #3 Tammy Nettina
    on Jan 19th, 2008 at 12:26 pm

    Oh, poor Peyton! I hope things are better today. Prayers…

  4. #4 Marie
    on Jan 20th, 2008 at 12:55 am

    I'm crossing my legs just thinking about that one. OW!