I just got the message this morning that another little boy was lost to cancer. [url=http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/jamesaldredge]James Aldredge[/url] battled Burkitt's Lymphoma for 15 months and has gone to the Lord where he can now enjoy eternity with a perfect, healthy, cancer-free body. Let's just send a special prayer for his family who will be lost in their sorrow as they mourn their loss, but rejoice for a boy who's gone home to the Lord and his Heavenly reward.
Kiss your kids today and let's remember that a cure isn't out of our reach, it just needs to be fought for. Please take a moment to check out the work of the [url=http://www.fastercure.org]Pediatric Cancer Foundation[/url]. Each child we lose is one too many.
“We rejoice not in the fact that we are suffering, but in our confidence that the pain can be transformed. The value lies not in the pain itself, but in what we can make of it. The pain need not be meaningless, and therefore we rejoice in the object of our faith, a God who can effect that transformation.”
f.r.o.G…fully relying on God