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I’ll be sleeping with this woman in July!

Now that my mother has had a complete nervous breakdown, I should explain myself, right?

This chick is going to be my roomate for the upcoming BlogHer convention and I can’t wait because she is FLAT-out THE funniest read I’ve ever come across.  She is that person that I have to make sure I’ve gone to the bathroom before pulling up her blog.  If you have a funny story to tell make sure you read her first because maybe you’ll be lucky and the humorous haze she leaves you in will make your writing funnier by contact…but do it fast, it wears off.

So, I hereby bestow this February ROFL award to my friend Brittany of the BarefootFoodie for THIS post. One of many that are totally worth it…but the fact that she texted me and said, “I HAVE to post this don’t I?” and I threatened to steal that tiny human she’s incubating in her gorgeous belly if she didn’t POST-IT-RIGHT-THIS-SECOND really says it all. She’s brutally honest and pregnant = lethal combination. *I will warn you that her last award was “Best Use of a Curse Word”, there ya go.*

Feb09 ROFL

The ROFL Awards are happily brought to you by Oh, The Joys and Chicky Chicky Baby…go there and check out the other award-winners.  They’re sure to cause you to get fired when you can’t control your muffled laughter at your desk where you weren’t supposed to be reading blogs when you’re on the clock ANYWAY!

Also, know that the invite to participate in the ROFL awards is an open thing, so get thee henceforth and find the funny and share it with the world by contacting Oh, The Joys or Chicky Chicky Baby and they’ll email you when award time comes up.

17 Comments on “I’ll be sleeping with this woman in July!”

  1. #1 Amo
    on Mar 6th, 2009 at 8:23 am

    That woman is hilarious. It will be impossible to sleep with all the giggling!

    Amos last blog post..…and leave the key under the mat too.

  2. #2 Heather @ Domestic Extraordinaire
    on Mar 6th, 2009 at 8:53 am

    best post evah!

    so jealous! i still need to find someone to crash with on Thursday night (as I am not actually staying for BlogHer-we will just be in the area on vacation & hubby is dropping me off in downtown on Thurs morning & will pick me up Friday evening.) Not that I have actively searched. I should start to though, shouldn’t I.

    Heather @ Domestic Extraordinaires last blog post..Maybe I need to pay more attention

  3. #3 Like taking candy from a baby…or, like, a super creepy old person. | Barefoot Foodie
    on Mar 6th, 2009 at 10:56 am

    […] Anissa.  I love you.  More than words.  I can’t wait to sleep with you this July.  I am bringing […]

  4. #4 Brittany
    on Mar 6th, 2009 at 11:04 am


    P.S. I sleep nude.

    Brittanys last blog post..Like taking candy from a baby…or, like, a super creepy old person.

  5. #5 The Mom Jen
    on Mar 6th, 2009 at 1:13 pm

    Very well deserved!

    The Mom Jens last blog post..We Take Our Pizza Seriously

  6. #6 MommyNamedApril
    on Mar 6th, 2009 at 5:53 pm

    Haha, you two will be a force to be reckoned with 🙂 Hmmm, you totally need a celebrity hybrid name for the convention… how about Annittany? Or Brittissa?

    MommyNamedAprils last blog post..Daddy Has the Magic Touch. Blissfully Domestic Buzz. A Giveaway. And. Bubbles!

  7. #7 Lee of MWOB
    on Mar 7th, 2009 at 2:06 am

    Yes, I don’t think there is a post I have read from Brittany that has not had me laughing. She’s as consistent as they come…..and the most whacked out funny chick around.

    Nice to be checking out your blog….

    Lee of MWOBs last blog post..Does God listen to reality show contestants?

  8. #8 Marie
    on Mar 7th, 2009 at 3:23 am

    I admit, I was skeptical….generally when people say “read this it’s funny”, it usually isn’t. But….that was FREAKIN funny!!! I don’t even HAVE a mother in law, and I dream of something like that happening!

  9. #9 heather...
    on Mar 7th, 2009 at 5:37 am

    I’m sorry, but when DON’T you threaten to steal babies?

    heather…s last blog post..Dirty Tricks

  10. #10 Asianmommy
    on Mar 7th, 2009 at 4:03 pm

    I love Barefoot Foodie, too!

  11. #11 Karalyn
    on Mar 7th, 2009 at 10:00 pm

    Hey famous bloglady maybe you can help me out. I know I rarely post on my blog but (sob weep) nobody reads it. But today instead of my usual hilarity I posted about something serious and need some help. Sooooo, I was thinking maybe you could try and send some people my way.
    Love you Mayhews! Hug Peyton for me!

    Karalyns last blog post..Riley

  12. #12 AnissaM
    on Mar 10th, 2009 at 12:19 am

    Oh, I have plans for this one, we are going to have more fun than is legal in the state of IL.

  13. #13 AnissaM
    on Mar 10th, 2009 at 12:20 am

    Is that not the GREATEST thing ever written? I swear twenty years from now I’ll think of it and giggle.

    If you don’t find someone, let me know, you can always bunk in with us for one night! We’ll get a cot or something.

  14. #14 AnissaM
    on Mar 10th, 2009 at 12:20 am

    *snort* I snore

  15. #15 AnissaM
    on Mar 10th, 2009 at 12:24 am

    I LIKEY! Anittany has a certain FLAIR. Brittissa sounds too much like a coffee drink to me.

  16. #16 AnissaM
    on Mar 10th, 2009 at 12:29 am

    She is THE most consistently hilarious person I have ever read. I don’t even know if I’ve read something that didn’t have me cracking up. Girl’s got skilllz

  17. #17 AnissaM
    on Mar 10th, 2009 at 12:30 am

    all the time! like never. So what of it?