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2009 Resolution: Be Less Stressful…FAIL

Much has happened this week, between conflict with the boy child for his repeated choice to be a complete mushbrain and getting the awesome invitation to join a phenomenal team of bloggers as a Race and Ethnicity channel editor for Blog Nosh magazine (more coming soon about that)…but, in all honesty, it’s all sort of filtered through my post-traumatic-stress-freakout-syndrome.

I haven’t been sleeping this week, I’m forgetting to eat (which may be the ONLY upside to the whole ordeal) and I may have developed a touch of the anxiety-induced stomach flu.

Good times…

I thank all of you for understanding my need to vent what happened Tuesday and suffering through it (the loooong version) (which I’m sort of sorry for, I know it was drawn out, but NOT for drama’s effect, that’s just how it WAS) with me.  I know that I could have just written that “Peyton had a false positive on a test at clinic and I was freaking out”…but I didn’t feel that you could really understand what I went through in those short moments…and I really needed you to understand how hard it was on me…why, three days later, I still feel weepy and emotional about it.

It did truly help me cope with the emotions of that day to even HAVE a way to just unleash it…on you…because I love you like that…isn’t our relationship really healthy?

SO, just to recap the week:

1. No cancer!

2. Buy a raffle ticket to support Mandy’s fundraiser, $10 gets you a Top Spot over in my sidebar and an entry for the very purty diamond and black pearl earrings (appraised value $975). Plus, if you want to check over on Mandy’s site, there are some more of her raffle/auction items (Buc’s tickets, Lightning tickets, Gift Card Basket) for which you can pre-buy tickets or bid on.

3.  Peter’s coming home this weekend.  I can’t wait.

4.  Some wonderful friends and I have decided to start our own cult that revolves around the worship of the Snuggie and Cinnabons.  Sounds like a safe bet to me, no? How can you not get behind THAT?

And you may be asking yourself how a Snuggie translates into a cult?  My question is, “How could it not?” *ahem, no, a Slanket will not easily substitute*

The snuggie

It may take quite a bit of bedazzling to make it FIERCE like these folks have done, but I have faith that we can do it.

How to start a cult

Oh, wait…Slanket already has a Cult?  They’re doing it ok but I see no Cinnabons, so we already win!


5.  Again, no cancer.

Next week? Coherant, non-rambling, well-thought-out (*eye roll*) posts! ALL WEEK! umm, welll, AT LEAST 2 DAYS!  MAYBE. NO PROMISES.

OH!  BUT make it a priority to  come back on Monday because I have a really kickbutt giveaway starting on Monday…I mean, DROOLworthy.

14 Comments on “2009 Resolution: Be Less Stressful…FAIL”

  1. #1 Heather @ Domestic Extraordinaire
    on Feb 20th, 2009 at 10:39 am

    So very happy that it was a false positive. When your emotions are triggered sometimes you just have to ride that wacky rollercoaster out until they have all subsided. Many hugs to you! And I wasn’t sure about the cult, but if there are cinnabons involved I think that I may have to join. Would I shave me head if required….well that really depends on the size of the cinnabon I got.

    Heather @ Domestic Extraordinaires last blog post..You Blink and its Gone

  2. #2 Barbara
    on Feb 20th, 2009 at 1:23 pm

    Happy dancing for no cancer! Congrats on the job offer! Be with Peter instead of us next week. Have a Cinnabon. You are a droolTEASE. lol.

    Barbaras last blog post..Disciplining MATT

  3. #3 Maria
    on Feb 20th, 2009 at 1:30 pm

    If we don’t hang out soon my head is going to explode.

    Also MJ says “Come and cuddle me!”

    Marias last blog post..wordless – I see you

  4. #4 Fear and Parenting in Las Vegas
    on Feb 20th, 2009 at 5:59 pm

    Yea! Cancer free!
    False positives? Boo!

    Sorry that your roller coster left you worse for wear.

    Hopefully it’s nothing that a cinnabon and a snuggie can’t fix.

    Fear and Parenting in Las Vegass last blog post..Friday Funnies: OK. Maybe Things Aren’t THIS Bad

  5. #5 Amo
    on Feb 20th, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Okay, sign me up. I clicked on the cinnabon link just to make sure it was what I thought it was… and it was.

    So now I’m holding my dixie cup out for the koolaid!

    Amos last blog post..Why you should be saving money for my bail

  6. #6 Brittany
    on Feb 20th, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    That post was bad ass, loved it, but I love even more that i can type this reply from the comfort of my couch…in my snuggie. So I am both warm AND productive.


    Brittanys last blog post..la mamá

  7. #7 Janna
    on Feb 21st, 2009 at 10:51 am


    Every time I see the commercial, the spectator shot looks like they are all at Hogwart’s watching a Quidditch game!

    Jannas last blog post..Woot!

  8. #8 Mommy of 2 (D's Mommy)
    on Feb 21st, 2009 at 12:23 pm

    So happy to hear that all is well with Peyton. I can’t imagine how stressful/scared/etc. you must have been. While I do know that each year, for my family, we are on pins and needles before we get the news that for our mbrs things are good I know that it can’t compare to waiting to hear the news when it’s in regards to your child. Mushbrain? I like that. I think I’m going to steal that word:)

  9. #9 Amber
    on Feb 21st, 2009 at 2:52 pm

    I don’t think there’s a single person who could possibly blame you for having this “drawn out” emotional freak-out this last week. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for you to go through that… and I think that while yes, you are processing right now, you’ve handled it with the strength and grace and even some humor, of a 1000 women.

    I wish I could give you a great big hug right about now!

    … Okay, and *maybe* do the “boobie rub” with you, as I’ve heard great things about your cleveage and all, haha =P. (I’m only kidding – maybe, as a new-ish reader and a first-time commentor I shouldn’t make that joke. Since you don’t really *know* me and all… but dude. What can I say? I have a seriously pervy since of humor. =) xoxo).

    Ambers last blog post..Haircut… No more coloring!?

  10. #10 Marie
    on Feb 21st, 2009 at 9:02 pm

    I loved the way you wrote the last post, because even though you freaked us out, you made us live it right along there with you. A simple “she had a false positive” wouldn’t have come close. And oh Lord, that relief when we found out she was ok.

    That Slanket thingy sure does look comfy, and if you join a Mormon choir you also have something to wear!

  11. #11 Peter Mayhew
    on Feb 22nd, 2009 at 10:53 am

    I really think you need to incorporate Vince from Shamwow into the cult experience.

    Peter Mayhews last blog post..2009 Resolution: Be Less Stressful…FAIL

  12. #12 threeundertwo
    on Feb 22nd, 2009 at 10:23 pm

    That false positive? I hope you set that piece of paper on fire and didn’t put it in the binder.

    I’m right with you with the Snuggies and the Cinnabon. Ready to worship. Tell me where to go.

    threeundertwos last blog post..It’s Blog Vacation Time

  13. #13 Natalie
    on Feb 23rd, 2009 at 1:14 am

    I don’t even have the words to express how glad I am that it was a false alarm. PTSD is completely called for in that situation.

    Natalies last blog post..I would like to thank the Academy

  14. #14 heather...
    on Feb 23rd, 2009 at 2:29 am

    you didn’t mention Hat.

    heather…s last blog post..Hospital Minutes