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Show me the candy!

Halloween. I love this holiday because it’s a chance to explore the kid’s creative sides, to watch them indulge in their characters and because this it the day every year that I am reminded of a deep and undeniable truth….I freaking LOVE Tootsie Rolls. Wow, how do I go a whole year between eating them?? It’s like eating a little brown piece of plasticy-leathery-chocolate-esque heaven, but oh is it ever so good.

It’s a wonderful guilty please, much like Dirty Dancing and wishing that leg warmers would come back in style (just for a little while).

We drove across Brandon to visit MaryAnn, the exec director of the Children’s Cancer Center, and got treated to a trick or treat session in the ritzy area! But we came to a stunning realization. It’s really not better to trick or treat in the rich area because the houses are so big, the lots so huge that you have to walk forever to get to the next bucket of free goods! We prefer to trick or treat in our little neighborhood where the houses are closer and we can get more loot for our walking radius.

As you can see, we have spent way too much analyzing this.

I hope all of you had equally wonderful trick or treating experiences and spend the next few weeks coasting down from your blistering sugar high.

f.r.o.G….fully relying on God

2 Comments on “Show me the candy!”

  1. #1 Alayna
    on Oct 31st, 2007 at 10:41 pm

    I, for one, am very disappointed that Peyton was not the stealth ninja with the big boobs and the swords in her pants! I mean, come on! Give the people a few laughs for their candy. I just loved those pics – too funny – the girl cracks me up, and I don't even know her! We had a Darth Vader just like yours this year, in fact, it was a hand-me-down from D.D.'s son – I just love hand-me-downs! Glad to hear y'all had fun, now, we've got to get rid of all that candy in the house – much too dangerous!

    Love you guys,

  2. #2 Angela
    on Nov 1st, 2007 at 8:22 am

    And I was going to bring a bag of M&M's for you. Hope you had a great evening.